Getting help

Laptop showing USPS <a href=Employee Assistance Program logo on screen" width="640" height="427" />

Postal Service workers are getting an upgrade of their Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Starting April 1, New Directions Behavioral Health takes over the EAP contract.

Current EAP services will remain available and new services will be added. Most of the Postal Service’s EAP consultants and clinicians will continue in their current roles.

EAP remains voluntary and free, and appropriate referrals to resources that would best fit an employee’s needs will continue to be given.

The updated website will offer more counseling options as well as a live chat feature. There will also be an EAP mobile app for smartphones and tablets.

Here are the types of counseling USPS employees can access through the site, the mobile app or by calling in:

• Face-to-face counseling. Employees can make an appointment with their district clinician to talk about any current concerns.

• Telephone counseling. Employees can speak with a counselor by calling 800-EAP-4YOU (800-327-4968). The TTY number is 877-492-7341.

• Video therapy. Employees can speak to a clinician or consultant through a video link.

• Text therapy. Using Talkspace, employees can contact a clinician from anywhere at any time. The clinician will respond within a certain amount of time.

• Online therapy through myStrength. Therapy modules are available for depression, stress, chronic pain, anxiety, substance use and insomnia.

“We are happy to introduce these new services offered by our Employee Assistant Program,” said EAP Administrator Deborah Atkins. “The enhancement to our EAP services evidences our state-of-the-art EAP, and I encourage all to check out the website or call the 800 number with any questions.”